Bend Comedy Presents: Jeremiah Coughlan & Julia Ramos – Seven Nightclub – May 18

Bend Comedy presents:


Jeremiah Coughlan is a comedian. A comedian who physically resembles what would happen if Chris Farley ate Bob Ross. His stage presence embodies some of the same traits. He is an imperfect mix of chaos and control. In what can seem paradoxical Jeremiah carries a calm and contented demeanor in to his high energy and surprisingly athletic stage performances. Although he still hasn’t figured out how to complete a painting in 30-minutes.

With his candid, conversational brand of self-deprecating humor, Jeremiah has become a regular performer at Clubs all over the Northwest including Helium Comedy Club. He has been featured on Audible’s comedy series “Sounds Like America”. He has performed in The Idaho Laugh Festival in Boise, Idaho, The SF Sketchfest in San Francisco, California, Crom Comedy Festival in Toronto, Ontario, The Big Pine Comedy Festival in Flagstaff, Arizona, and most recently The 10,000 Laughs Comedy Festival in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he was nominated as “Best of the Fest” by the festival’s organizers.


Julia Ramos is a Portland comic using humor and all of her life’s mistakes to create entertainment for audiences of all ages. She’s been invited to perform at the All Jane Comedy Festival ,The Northwest Women’s Comedy Festival, accepted into Idaho Laughfest. She is a co-host of Minority Retort, a showcase in Portland highlighting the talents of comedians of color. Julia would also do anything to meet Stevie Wonder, so any help with that is appreciated.

Hosted by Ryan Traughber

Showcase: $8 Online / $10 at the door

Age: 21+

